AAC Lintels Info


AAC lintels are reinforced elements similar to panels. Lintels are available in standard block thicknesses. Lintels are also used as spreaders under the end supports of reinforced concrete beams to distribute high bearing stresses into the supporting AAC wall. The column offers easy workability. To fill any large opening, AAC lintels are the best choice.

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Technical Specification

 AAC Lintel
Density gradeAAC - 4 AAC - 6
Mean Compressive Strength (MPa)5 7.5
Mean dry density (kg/m3)500 - 600 600 - 700
Mean working density (kg/m3)600 - 700700 - 800
Dimensional tolerance (mm) ±3.0
Dry thermal conductivity [ W/(m2 k)] ≤0.13 ≤0.15
Dry shrinkage (mm/m) ≤0.02%

Product Dimensions and Packing

Design Load (KN/M)Maximum Span of Lintels with different loads and thickness ( 200 mm Height)
100 150 200 250 300
511001900 2700 3000 4500
10- 800 1100 1500 1900
15- - 600 9001100
Design Load (KN/M)Maximum Span of Lintels with different loads and thickness ( 250 mm Height)
100 150 200 250 300
515002500 3500 4500 5500
10600 1000 1500 2000 2500
15- 600 900 11501500
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